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Pickup switching question

Mr Songwriter

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OK, I know these pickups aren't out yet, and I've yet to hear any decent clips or reviews of them,




Seymour Duncan P-Rails


...but I'm very interested in the concept, and as I'm probably going to be buying an MIK Tokai LP this week, I'm thinking it might make a good test bed for a set (or maybe just one) of them. My first thought is that I would want to put one in the Bridge position and have an extra switch (preferably a push-pull pot - I'd rather not drill any extra holes for switches unless I really have to) to switch between Humbucker/P-90/Single coil operation, what I'd like to know is if there is a push-pull pot that would allow me to do this, or, failing that, what would be my next best option to get this switching? Any suggestions?


Edit: thinking about it, it might be possible with two push-pull pots, maybe one would be switching between the P-90 and the single and the other would be swithching between humbucking operation and whatever the first pot has been set to. Can anyone think of a better arrangement than this?

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Not sure if you ran into this on the site............

The link for the demo video is just below the pickup on the right side.



Thanks, I'd seen the Youtube version of that video but I hadn't seen that hi-res version, actually, listening to that demo, the humbucker mode sounds a bit muffled and a lot less interesting than the P-90 sound, so maybe I will be able to live without the humbucker option and just use two push-pull pot to switch between SC and P-90 modes, one for the neck and one for the bridge, that would still be six different combinations.


There's another video on Youtube with that bloke demoing those P-rails at Namm, he starts talking about them about 6:15, there's quite a bit more detail in there:



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