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Tokai ES vs Elite/Elitist Dot


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I have a Tokai ES-100 (equivalent to what's now the ES-125, I believe...that's inflation for you) which is a great guitar. It's so good that I'm planning to get something incredibly similar as a back-up/joint main instrument.


I've weighed up the pros and cons of the various Elite/Elitist models and the one which on a practical level would suit me (as well as being closest to the Tokai) is the Dot. However, I've never played one, don't know anyone who has one and because I'm in England am unable to go to a shop to try one as they're not officially available here yet (I say 'yet' as apparently Gibson Europe will be bringing them in but the first ones aren't arriving for a while).


So, has anyone played both a MIJ Tokai ES series and an Elite or Elitist Dot? If so, could you please tell me how they compared and especially how they varied in feel (neck profile is of particular interest to me)?



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