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Pick my Guitar too!!


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Hey everyone,

I know I haven't posted here in a while, but I'm just looking for some help. Anyway, I play hard rock, (and yes I do like the "radio tone"), also, I play some alternative and even some jazz. However, hard rock and metalish tones are my forte, so that's my main concern. Honestly, i've played a epi for the past 6 years so i'm more accustomed to the Les Paul body type, but I would definitely not mind a guitar like a Schecter... or Ibanez or anything "strat-like". I like Humbuckers more than single coils... and mostly play through a high gain amp head (VHT pittbull 50 watt). Now here's the crazy part... I only have around 600-700 for the guitar... unless I sell me epi, but that epi was my first guitar... if i sold the epi i'd have probably 1000 for a guitar.


Give me some suggestions so i can have a NGD!!

So..... pick my guitar!!

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Have you considered an SG? There's some nice ones from Edwards, or you can get a used Gibson SG (Special Faded or Standard...you can get them both for your price range)


You might also consider a used Les Paul Studio, though I'm not sure if you want redundant body shapes. You could also consider a HH or HSS Strat...MIM fat Strat fits within your budget...in fact, you could buy two for the money you feel you could spend

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hmmm, i'm not a fan of that Hamer, but only because I do not like those weird body shapes. I'm more of a traditionalist in that sense haha, strat style or les paul style for me (SG's are cool too). I might check out an SG Standard..... anyone else have any other ideas?

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