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Gibson Bubble?

Beach Hound

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This is a take on another thread but...I've been out of it for a long time and just got back in the last year or so. Back when....Jacksons were incredible. Ibanez was pretty much the thing except for boutique stuff like PRS etc. Kramer had just died (no-one wanted Loch Ness Headstocks anymore). I remember saying no to a black LP special used because 600 was just way to much for an LP. I could get them much cheaper. Dean was making $1000 guitars. Now..3 grand for an LP? I can still get a strat for not much more than I could back then. I also hear that the build quialty on Gibson has slipped. So....What'd I miss? Are the "Guitar Speculators" driving up the value? Are they making less to make them rare? Are these really worth the price they are asking (and apparently getting)? Are the others just making lousy stuff these days?


Is there a Gibson Bubble?

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