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Schecter Help.....


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Alright, i've got a friend of mines schecter semi hollow C1 model...the E/A, or whatever..

It's got the acoustic piezo in it...now, the piezo doesn't work, i've tried a new battery, and it's not happenin...and so it makes a buzz too now...everything works fine, but the piezo...i've taken out the back Humbucker and checked and here's a pick...i've never worked on something like this, and i can't find any wiring diagrams for this guitar??>>>..that'd be helpful, here's some pics, even though they suck it's all i got./

There's that plastic end there...and it's got like a board in it, like a computer board?...>..i'm not familiar with that..so any help would be cool... Nevermind, the pictures won't upload at my work computer..i'll do it later

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That diagram listed is pretty cut and dry. What are your questions specifically?

From your description of the problem, it sounds like you're having a grounding issue. But, after reviewing your post...uh...if you don't understand how a piezo works (that little computer board thingy), or even the basic principles of soldering (which it sounds like you don't) then for the love of God, put the damn thing back together and bring it in to the shop.

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well, i'm not familiar with this schecter, i don't work on schecters.....and i'm not familiar with the piezo...i solder just fine....the toggle to switch from Humbucker, to Humbucker+piezo, and to switch to just the piezo.....now, when you switch it to use the piezo, there's no sound....there is from the humbuckers though...and i'm pretty limited with wiggle room with this guitar......

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