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would you do this???


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well ive been thinking about getting rid of my Dr.Z Stingray and my PRS Modern Egale.....and using the money to pay off some bills and buy another amp to take the Z's place.....The Z is awesome dont get me wrong. The thing is it has a GREAT clean tone.....but im kind of tired of getting my overdrive from a pedal since most of the songs we do live are rockin. not metal but rock. ...........If i finally decide to do this then the amps in concidering would be probably a bogner XTC, maybe a splawn, or a deziel. I still need a good clean tone....but would like the amp to be super versitile.


What do you think?

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Buy another OD pedal?

Almost did the same thing and got rid of my Maz SR for something with a dirt channel.

I'm so glad I didn't. IMO, you'd be hard pressed to beat that Z clean. I love it.

And if I ever get tired of my dirt, I just try a new OD pedal. Works for me.

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