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need a favor


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My buddy shawn from daughters of mara just released some solo stuff for the musically open minded.


it would mean a lot to me if you guys would go over to his myspace page and just take a listen to whats on the player. shawns a great guy and personally, i think the stuff he wrote for daughters of mara, and this stuff, is great.


so again, no bs, you guys would just be doing me a favor on this one.




thanks guys


- me




if you're into heavier stuff, it would also mean a lot to me if you guys checked out shawn's main band daughters of mara. the first time i heard shawns music in this band, it reminded me of why i wanted to play guitar in the first place and continues to every time i listen to it. www.myspace.com/daughtersofmara


again, thanks guys, even reading this post means a lot to me.

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