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Fender Korea, Mexico, Japan, US...


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Hey everyone. My first post!


I just traded my Hagstrom Swede reissue for this and am very pleased with it. Would any of you know the exact model? To me it looks something like your fmt's? It is a korean fender and the serial starts with 04. It also has a set neck and Semour Duncan humbuckers if that helps any.


Thanks for any idea's and/or help identifying this. At first I was thinking J-5 because I have his acoustic but, looked up his signature tele and it isn't the same.


Here are a couple pics..My lighting in the basement is horrible. The guitar seems to be in mint condition.









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Yeah, this plays pretty well too other than needing some boomers and a setup it's pretty nice. First time I had seen these carved top tele's.. Turns out this one is a "Fender Telecaster Blackout HH"


I still love single coils though, they suit me better so, this will probably get sold or traded off eventually.


Main differences from this iand the fmt versions are the pickups.. and no push/pul pot with coil splitting. Seymour Duncan SH-1N RP 59 Reverse Polarity in the Neck and a Pearly Gate in the bridge. In the middle position of the toggle switch you get a funky nazzely sound. If I keep it I'll be reversing the hot and cold to get the traditional 2 humbucker sound.

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