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You can't beat the classic ceramic disk caps. Can't beat the Sprague orange drops

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Nothing Jay sells can be beat.




So if thats the case, I have no idea what to buy for my 69 thinline tele reissue. It came with 1meg pots. Is there a good reason to put 1 meg pots on a single coil guitar, let alone a tele?



Also, whats a good set of electronics for a normal tele?

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>Is there a good reason to put 1 meg pots on a single coil guitar, let alone a tele?


Yep. It's part of what makes it sound like a Tele. Lower pot values lower the size of the pickup's resonant peak and therefore the treble content, and if you don't like treble, why play a Tele in the first place?


But if you wanted a switch on the Tele that took the edge off without making it dull, you could just slap a resistor across the volume pot that made the total around 250K to 100K. Suddenly you no longer have a Tele, but something more like a generic department-store single-coil electric. It still has the Tele bridge sound, and the skinny-pickup sound. It's similar to, but not identical to, turning the tone control down partway.


But personally, if I liked the sound of fifties Telecasters, I'd duplicate those parts values. If I liked the sound of sixties or seventies Teles, I'd duplicate those parts values. If you habitually run your Tele through a distortion box turned way up, you might prefer the lower pot values.


You can google "four position tele switch" and find a whole bunch of places to buy one mail order. The first page had nearly all entries with four position tele switches, wiring diagrams, and more.

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