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Could my bridge be rattling, Shall I replace it?


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My '79 Les Paul sometimes buzzes/rattles when I hit an open string, it could be any string. Sometimes its OK. It has been recently set up and I'm using regular 10's in a standard tuning. It will also buzz slightly when fretting on some of the top frets but I can live with that. The action is quite low.


Obviously I'm experiencing some fret buzz but I'm wondering if my bridge is vibrating slighting, has anybody experience this? I know its under tension from the strings but I'm wondering if it can still move.


Should I replace the tunamatic bridge and tail piece anyway cause they're nearly 30 years old? Whaddaya think?....

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Its difficult to see on the open string, it could be the frets but I'm not sure. I raised the action slightly but it didnt make much difference. I suppose I could raise it really high to see if that solves anything but I don't want a high action. The guitar was recently set up so the frets should be level. I'm trying to find out if buzzing could be caused by anything other than the frets.....

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Thanks for that...


It seems that its got the correct relief which is good. I tried something else....


I play an open bottom E and I can hear a rattle, when I look down the side of the neck the string doesnt seem to be buzzing against any frets. When I fret the bottom E on any of the first 3 frets I can still hear a rattle. If I push down on the angled bit of string between my bridge and tail peice then the rattle stops! Is that my tunematic bridge rattling?........ I'm confused!...

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