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Painting my first guitar - need some tips


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I recently got a ash strat body off of the Bay and I decided to try to paint it myself instead of paying someone to do it. I went to the hardware store and I got some sealer and some neon green and midnight blue paint. I put the selaer on and then put four coats of green paint and then taped it up, EVH style, and then put four coats of blue paint. I finally got it all to dry and it looks pretty good. My question is how do I "sand" it down to even out the paint blotches and what do I spray to make it "laminated"? It think it is sealer but I honeslty am not sure. Let me know; thanks.

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if all you have is the color coats on, DO NOT SAND at this point. you need to put whatever clear on BEFORE you do any sanding. after the clear has thouroughly dried, usually 1-3 weeks, then you start wet sanding. i start with 800 and work up to 2500. then buff with a finishing compound.


what kind of paint did you use? this is very important to know so you can get the right clear. if you get the wrong clear, it can ruin the whole paint job. trust me, that sux when that happens.

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