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How loud is "too loud"?

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I was at a club last night... so if it is loud in a way that takes "getting used to", is it actually loud in a way that is causing hearing damage? This was just at the little stage in a big club, where they were running everything through a big old keyborad amp, but sitting where the chairs actually were at, made me un comfortable, and hurt my ears... I wanted my ear plugs, even though I knew that I would get "used to it" in a little while. Thanks for any comments.

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If it seems too loud, it's definitely too loud for extended exposure...an hour or more. If it's 'uncomfortable' in any way, shorten that time to minutes before there is some hearing damage. If you leave the venue and your ears are ringing, you've done some damage.


Check out the OSHA exposure dB/time charts printed on the owners manuals of many speakers and amps to see just how little dB/time it takes to damage hearing.

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Also, remember that sensitivity to loud levels is dependent on each person. Just like different people have a different sensitivity to smells, taste...pain.


If the music is loud to a point to where you are 'feeling' it, then you MUST take action. Hearing damage is permanent. You can't really wear hearing aids and make it like you've never lost your hearing.



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Your ears don't "get used to it", they get NUMBed and adding some alcohol helps weaken the the ear muscle response numbing them further. Take your plugs next time or change tables. My wife & I have even taken to bringing our 15dB ear filters to the movies because many of those are too loud ;>(



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