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  • Strumming Patterns For Acoustic Guitar

    By Team HC |

    Strumming Patterns For Acoustic Guitar

    Sometimes you just want to lay down a little rhythm ...


    by Bobby Kittleberger




    The acoustic and electric guitar handle differently. Some might say the acoustic guitar is made for strumming and rhythm, which - in some cases - is true. If that's your instrument of focus then acoustic guitar strumming patterns become far more relevant and useful than if you're starting on the electric guitar.

    Yet, strumming patterns are hard to comprehend. They're even more difficult to teach because strumming patterns are based on rhythm.

    Rhythm is something you feel and is better understood when absorbed intuitively and not only in an academic sense. 

    Some might say, "You either have rhythm or you don't."



    While that's true, there are ways to effectively teach strumming pattern basics, especially on the acoustic guitar. You can learn them in a way that allows you to practice the movements and get the "feeling" or intuition part of it down later.

    This article will explain acoustic strumming in the following ways:

    • An explanation of time signatures in music theory and their role in guitar tabs
    • Using quarter notes, eighth notes and pickstroke direction to build simple strumming patterns
    • Subsequent worksheets that allow you to practice strumming patterns intentionally

    This will give you a written explanation, the music theory background and a concrete way to practice acoustic guitar strumming. We'll start with the theory involved and how to use quarter and eighth notes to start learning basic rhythm within a 4/4 time signature.





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