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  • Against All Odds, Music Washes Away Barriers

    By Dendy Jarrett |

    HarmonyCentral_LSUTigers_Drumline_2015.j…that flood waters tried to create


    by Dendy Jarrett


    In the first week of October 2015, Hurricane Joaquin lingered in the warm southern Atlantic water. That, combined with a low-pressure system over the Mid-Atlantic states, created a pipeline of moisture over South Carolina. Some areas received over 20 inches of rain in just over 72 hours. The result was flooding unlike anything seen there since records were kept.


    I was monitoring the situation closely, because I’m from South Carolina and my family still lives there. Luckily for my family, no one suffered much personal loss. Unfortunately, the same cannot be said for many others who lost everything.


    During the following week, it was announced that the football game between the University of South Carolina Gamecocks and the LSU Tigers could not be held in South Carolina. So, LSU said they’d host the game, which as you can imagine required a lot of quick logistics. Unfortunately, the USC Marching Band could not attend.


    So in an unprecedented move for an opposing team, the band director for the LSU Marching Band announced that they would learn the Carolina Fight Song and the USC Alma Mater (“We Hail Thee Carolina”), and perform them on behalf of South Carolina. Since most of you know how important things like music are in restoring normalcy to an otherwise chaotic situation, you also know just how special this gesture of good will was for the players and fans who were suddenly placed in a position of playing away from their familiar turf due to unfortunate circumstances.


    And the goodwill gesture of the LSU band spread, as billboards proclaiming; “Geaux Gamecocks – We Stand STRONG with You!” were placed along the interstate entering Baton Rouge, and the LSU Administration announced that all profits generated from ticket sales would be given to the University of South Carolina to help offset the loss of income due to moving of the game. And finally, they held a large American Red Cross drive during the game to raise money for the flood victims.


    Something as simple as music can wash away barriers, restore faith in humanity, and prove how much comfort and meaning it brings to the soul. So, “We Hail Thee Carolina” and send thoughts of quick healing to the citizens of your State. And to the LSU Tiger Marching Band…we say a hearty thanks for showing the true spirit of team, and the importance of music.




    Video of LSU learning the University of South Carolina Alma Mater


    The Pregame as the LSU Tiger Marching Band ushers on the Fighting Gamecock football team








    Dendy Jarrett is the Publisher and Director of Harmony Central. He has been heavily involved at the executive level in many aspects of the drum and percussion industry for over 25 years and has been a professional player since he was 16. His articles and product reviews have been featured in InTune Monthly, Gig Magazine, DRUM! and Modern Drummer Magazines.





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