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Comparison of Paiste Cymabls (Signature vs Innovations vs Dimensions)


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Hey peeps,


just wondering if anyone can provide any feedback on the Paiste Cymbal range. The current situation is this:


I have Signature Reflector 18" Full Crash and 18" China. I need to buy a second crash, some new hats and a new ride.


Now I know the Signature range sounds sweet so I'm not too interested in how they sound but getting new hats, crash and ride will cost me ~

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The Dimensions line has been discontinued, but some of the more popular Dimensions cymbals have been moved into the 2002 line, so check those out too. Innovations are nice cymbals at a good price - not quite up to Signatures level, but still nice. To be honest, trying them yourself in a shop is still best. Just because I say cymbal X sounds bright and shimmery with a relatively short decay doesn't mean that's how it would sound to you. And they will sound a little different in a live band situation, but if the shop has good exchange/return policy, no worries.

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I'd actually recommend avoiding Zildjian or Sabian cymbals if you already have Paistes. In most cases where I've heard them combined they haven't blended well, and if for some reason you decided to anyhow (which it sounds like you won't) I'd definitely recommend listening to the cymbals together first (which is what you should do with Zildjians and Sabians anyhow).


I've been a Sabian man myself for about eighteen years now and haven't been disappointed, but I've really liked what I've heard of the Signature line as well and am thinking about getting a set of them as an alternative to what I already have. Most guitarists have both Strat- and Les Paul-type guitars (maybe more), so why not have a set of Turkish- and European-style cymbals?



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