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Posts posted by ej

  1. This is a limited edition stealth model EC500. The guitar entire guitar is flat back and the board is ebony. ESP thin U neck contours. Seymour Duncan JB/'59 pickups, pots were upgraded to Alpha when I put the passive pickups in. Great playing and sounding guitar.








    The guitar is in great shape besides one ding and a solder iron burn on the first fret.








    Its a great guitar but my Fender has become my number one so this is redundant. I need something a bit more low gain. I'd be interested in trades but I'd rather have cash for a LP Jr precision kit. looking for $325 shipped. Included gig bag. PM me.

  2. Ok so someone tell me in simple terms what is the difference between a MIM, MIA and Highway One Tele? Which is the best and why?


    MIM is made and assembled in Mexico, with mexican hardware.


    HWY1 has the body and neck made in Mexico, but the hardware is American and its assembled in America. They also have satin finishes.


    The MIA is made and assembled in America.


    I don't think theres a whole lot of difference in quality between the HWY1 and the American, but the electronics and hardware on the MIM stuff is definitely lower quality.


    I got my HWY 1 for $500. Its great.

  3. I think it'll be good, but the only thing I'm worried about is noise. Then again, I won't be using the lead channel all THAT much.


    If you got a noise gate it won't matter :p


    The noise won't be that bad, especially if you stick with the crunch channel. If all else fails get EMG pickups. I hate their humbuckers, but their single coils sound so freakin' good.

  4. Tele into a highgainer is always tits.

    As far as suggestions, I would look at a used Hwy 1/Amer Std. if I were in your shoes - the fit and finish of the American stuff is pretty good. Otherwise, the Fender Player's stuff (upgraded MIM) is OK, but I prefer the satin neck of the later 00's American stuff.


    I'd look for a HWY1. I have a HWY1 strat and have played the Tele. Both are amazing


    Also, SCs plus a 6505+ is tits.

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