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Posts posted by StratAttackJack

  1. A 5 watt tube amp will be way to loud for your apartment!


    You are on the right track with the vox choices you gave. If it is for strictly apartment use only I would go with the DA5 cuz you'll get the best tone at the lowest volume. I have the AD50VT and I think both the cleans and the gain models are great for what it is.

  2. Originally posted by Cosmic Closet

    Words, phrases, abuse of language.......

    When I read 'your' for 'you are' , and 'to much' for 'too much (or too anything)' constantly, I start to feel assault weapons do have a purpose for private citizens.....and what the hell is it with all the phonetic approximations that are cropping up in written American these days: 'I was aweigh for a while'...excuse me??

    The word 'sucks' is horrible enough to have to listen to and read.

    'Sux' just takes it to the next sub-basement of illiteracy.

    Speaking of death: 'like, I totally died...' one can only hope...

    And on the same note: 'Collateral Damage'...what, 'Dead Civilians' rubs you the wrong way?

    'The procedure had a negative outcome'....uhhh, the patient died.

    Someone referring to me and my wife as 'you guys'. Last I checked, she was still female.

    African-American....I am a 'white' person, they are 'black' people.

    Neither description has much to do with reality, but they have both been used for ages and A-A just feels fake and precious.

    'Person of color' is even worse.

    Why has 'really' become something of a catchphrase, as in something not being 'bad' but, inevitably, 'really bad.'?

    Or a far worse mutant: 'ooh, that is so...not good.'

    Personally, I don't live in a world where automatically anything of the slightest quality or value is either 'great' or 'fabulous', or (gaack) 'awesome'...sorry, 'AWWsome'.

    There is a reason the english language has words like 'good' 'outstanding' and the like. Check them out.

    Penultimate is the NEXT TO LAST, not the last....

    The next time someone tells me he has 'a lot on his plate',

    I'll tell him to eat up because children in Africa are starving.

    Corporate mutations:

    'Benchmarking' sounds like a dog urinating to mark territory. Which in its own appropriate way is not too far removed from the intended corporate meaning.

    'Conceptualize'...$2000 consultant's word for outlining an idea.

    'Scalable'....it can be expanded.

    And finally, 'elitist'....a generic label slapped on someone when the accuser vaguely knows that the person is different from him, but he doesn't have the intellectual capacity to figure out what the differences are.

    So,lik, ths blows, ya, cause if your tryin to xplain sumthin an dey don geddit, its youre own prob, wurd.

    Farethewell for now,



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