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Posts posted by dcooper830

  1. I'm not at all knowledgeable on the specs like Doctor Morbius is...


    But I have a really nice 2010 MIM Standard Tele and a couple of REALLY nice 2011 American Standard Teles.


    The pickups that came in the MIM were hotter and darker. Too dark. I replaced them immediately with a set of Fender OV Tele pickups. And that's the only mod I've done to it. It's great now!


    As far as I can tell..... my MIM is very close in quality. Doesn't sound quite as sweet as the USAs.... but very close.



    A couple months ago I was about to buy a really nice Lake Placid Blue MIM Standard Strat.... but it had sharp fret ends and the American Special Strat hanging next to it sounded and played much nicer.


    However...... last week I did a setup on a 2009 MIM Standard Strat - rosewood board. At first it played like total crap! Too much relief and high action. But after I worked my magic on it (tightened truss rod, shimmed the neck, polished the frets, treated the fretboard with Fret Doctor, set intonation, nut lube.) it played like a $2000 guitar. Seriously! That thing was awesome!! I almost hated to give it back to the guy I did it for.

  2. How do you like the Peavey Classic? I found one locally for $200 and was wondering how they sounded/responded...


    I love it! It sounds amazing through the 1960AV cab.


    Only thing is ... its not as good for hard rock and metal as my Marshalls. But its excellent for classic rock.


    I love to put a Tubescreamer in front and keep the amp gain down. Really awesome rich tones for blues, southern rock, R&B, country, and some classic rock... I could very well be wrong... but I'm convinced it sounds as good as any boutique amp out there.


    I need to make a YouTube clip.

  3. I think few people would argue that if you played 10 or 20 LP's, that all would be "the same".

    So ordering online is a bit of a gamble. Sometimes the differences are subtle enough that unless you are comparing, you don't realize... one feels much better in your hand, or has a better top, or sounds different or "better" to you than the others.

    That being said, there have been many people who have ordered online, or bought one used online that have received them, and been very happy.

    What's your personality? The "pickier" you are, the more you need to go try a bunch!



    I've ordered several Epiphones and 2 Gibsons and they've all been 100% keepers! :thu:

  4. Oh boy, I wanna list some opinions:

    - Plain > flame > spalt > quilt

    - Nickel > chrome > gold

    - Covered > zebra > double black > double cream


    I'm sorry.... but here are the facts:


    Plaintop Tobacco Burst > Flametop Tobacco Burst


    Flametop Cherry Sunburst > Plaintop Cherry Sunburst


    Covered > double black > zebra > double cream


    Dog poop > quilt > spalted




  5. Well....... I got to take it home on my lunch break and jam on it for a few minutes.


    And when I was done I happily peeled the protective plastic off the pickguard.


    This guitar is here to stay!! :thu:


    I'm 1000% satisfied! Plays great, feels great, sounds great, looks great, stays in tune great, and even smells great!!


    All I can say is WOW!!!!!!! I love this guitar!!!!


    The neck has that cool organic yet refined feel like my Gibson LP Standards. It's thick and chunky which I like. The action is nice and low with very little fret buzz.


    The wood grain looks beautiful and I'm pretty sure the body is a 3-piece but the seams aren't obvious or awkward looking.


    The tone and volume controls all work smoothly with good taper.


    The tuners are super smooth feeling! I was surprised! They feel like Grover rotomatics when tuning.


    And the smell!!!!!! The wonderful aroma of the nitro! That brand new Gibson smell is so enjoyable!


    I know it's the very beginning of the honeymoon and I'm all in love and everything....... but, like with all my other guitars, I know that feeling will last.

  6. I haven't gotten the chance to play it yet cause I'm at work ..... and the guitar is very chilly so I don't want to warm it up too fast by playing it.


    I just opened up the case real quick to take some quick photos...... then closed it again.


    I can't wait to plug this baby in!! But right after work I have to go play an acoustic gig! :mad:







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