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Peekaboo Fuzzy

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Posts posted by Peekaboo Fuzzy

  1. Nice soloing in the fusion style glenecho! Nice Carvin guitar as well-love the finish. Thanks for the review on that amp. I am now going to seriously consider it. The only other idea was to buy a JC 120 and use one of those Axon MKII's for clean sounds and some sample instrument sounds as well.

  2. Just wondering if anyone here owns one. I would like to install a GK2 pick up on my Les Paul and mainly use the modeling clean sounds on the VGA-7 to get a Strat sound out of the paul for clean passages. I wanted to find out it if I can still use the regular ouput from my guitar through the amp to get a "real" clean sound from the actual guitar pick-up while simulataneously using the GK pick up output. Roland doesn't make these amps anymore i guess. Thanks!

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