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Posts posted by seanmartin

  1. I suppose it is never to late to sing the praises of the fg 335

    I bought mine new in 1978 from a piano store at the mall that I worked at

    Put it on layaway

    It was my first quality guitar and the one I penned all the greats on

    I have other acoustics that are worth more but if the house was on fire it is the one I would grab

    After the family is safe of course

    Over the past few years I have been learning the craft of guitar repair

    Starting with some 5 dollar broken ones from the flea market and watching some very good youtube folk

    twoodford, jerry rossa 

    Two very different styles but excellent craftspeople

    With 4 or 5 neck resets under my belt I decided to pull the neck off my fg 335

    With the guidance of a Yamaha guru who's name escapes me I reset the neck, put one a new set of frets, bone nut and saddle and new ebony string pins.

    There is a reason that neck resets cost big money, it is a hella work! And very exacting 

    When I got the guitar back together I was a little scared that I had overset the neck causing the saddle to be slightly higher than original spec.But when I strung it up and got the nut and saddle dialed in I could not believe how beautiful it sounded and what a pleasure it was to play

    It just sings

    May this tread never die

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