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bruce marrs

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Posts posted by bruce marrs

  1. Yes, the string spacing on my new-ish Eastman E10 OM has had me a bit confused.  It seems to be normal spacing at nut and saddle.  But since I play it hours everyday, drawn to it for the sound and beauty, I think I am getting used to it.  I do have to pay attention or I get off the strings too.  It's teaching me to practice without looking.  The only other complaint I have is the weight.  The inner neck block is two pieces of pretty mahogany. Overkill?  Braces look good, sanded, pyramided, scalloped.  Is it all the ebony? board, peghead, bridge, strap button?  Every time I pick it up I'm reminded of the weight.  And each time I pick up my 20 year old J45 I'm again reminded of how much heavier the Eastman is.  

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