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Posts posted by SignMan

  1. I bought a Crate GLX65 in '04 at a pawn shop as my second amp ever, graduating from an old Kustom practice amp that was gifted to me. I've been playing the Crate basically my entire music life and honestly I can't complain one bit. I've played other fender and marshall amps at music stores and love the sound, but won't come off the money for one just yet...cause when I upgrade I'm gonna upgrade. Im not a touring musician but do play music for small groups here and there, and the Crate pumps out that 65 watts with all it's might, even though I've yet to crank it up full blast...haven't needed to. It has 3 channels (Clean, a dirty sounding Rhythm, and an all out assault overdrive mode in Solo), then you can pick 1 of 16 effects to use on each channel which it saves until you change it. All that is easily controlled by a foot switch that came with it. On the back, it has input jacks for connecting pedals and the like. Keeping things cheap, I run a Zoom G1X Four (retired my old digitech RP50) that I use for drums and other effects, a $40 looper off Amazon, and a Boss OS-2 pedal I found at an auction (for a different flavor).

    After years and years of tweaking the settings, and dialing it in to my liking, I'm almost scared to buy another amp! Afraid to lose the sound I've spent so much time perfecting. If you're looking for an amp to jam with in a garage, this crate can do that job. If you live in an apartment or have a family that likes hearing themselves think...don't buy one of these. It will shake the pictures off the wall as well 🤘🤘🤘

    People that hate on Crate probably won't buy Great Value or Kirkland brand at the grocery store. It really doesn't taste that much different 😉

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