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Posts posted by Harvey333

  1. To me the meaning of the song "Everyone's Gone To The Moon"  is all about the Plight of Humanity, its struggles and its accomplishments.  When we fail to see the big picture of the whole world and its people's then we devalue each other. And sadly we loose our humanity. We become blind to each person , blind to our neighbors and each country, each person's / people's struggle to survive.

      When we decided to go to the moon. We spent 30 billion dollars to do so. We collectedly came together as a nation with a directive a challenge from our leader and we succeeded.  We went to the moon. The song brings to mind, to me, the absentmindedness of man at times. During that time frame we had people starving around the globe. Thus the lines ("Mouths full of chocolate-covered cream. Arms that can only lift a spoon '. So where was the love when the streets were filled with people protesting the war and civil rights and more on a weekly basis. We had civil unrest, the civil rights movement, the assassinations of Martin Luther King, Bobby Kennedy and the man who gave us that challenge to go to the moon, President John F Kennedy also was assassinated.Thus the lines (Church full of singing, out of tune.Everyone's gone to the moon) It was a low point for humanity who lowered the value of human life.
    "It was the best and worse of times.  And still man achieved to date his most momentous accomplishment putting a man on the moon.  Looking back you wonder was it worth it? Many will argue it was as we look at the technology that was born from that time and space program. There is always a sacrifice that comes with progress and I get that.

    What I don't get is what's going on today in our world. What is the big payout form all of what we are witnessing each day. I can see a similar madness in a divided people. But what is it we are building? Again where is the Love?  As I look at the television I worry that humanity is losing another piece of itself.  So as it was then, so is it now because and I guess "Everyone's Gone To The Moon!" 

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