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Review Comments posted by FULKRAM

  1. I have had one of these interfaces for 2-3 months and I'm having

    problems.  All the channels are paired, so channel 1+2 become L1+R2 on

    so on up to  16.  For example.  If I record a mono track just from L1  I

    get  mono track in my DAW (I'm using Studio one 3.5 & reaper)  But

    when I try to pan the record track to the right I get nothing and to the

    left it's just louder.  As you can understand I'm not very happy.  I

    raised this with them through their support page online and heard no

    reply.  I tried calling them but their number doesn't work.  I sent an

    email direct to their support email again today and am awaiting a reply.

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