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Posts posted by NuSkoolTone

  1. Are you worried about your job?No, was laid off last October and decided to go back to school, while I qualified for extended benefits to do so.

    Ability to pay rent or mortgage?No worries, while I was working my wife went to school and got her RN, her job is secure and makes good money. Our mortgage is modest

    Your retirement / 401k?WHAT 401k? Could never afford to contribute to it. Will start next year

    Are you putting off purchases?Not really, my seasonal side business is BOOMING (Yeah you heard me, BOOMING!) this year and can barely keep up.

    Is it altering your income directly from music?Not at all, in fact it's doubling. My Wife has a successful wedding band, and I just became a member therefore doubling what we take home.

    Are you worried about a prolonged recession?A little, but not much. We're doing OK on one salary and side work. I'm hoping by next summer things will be on the upswing when I start looking for a job with new degree in hand



    On a side note I REALLY wish the news would stop with all the doom and gloom. If nothing else they are creating a self fulfilling prophecy by scaring the hell out of everyone into hording their cash, thus creating a slowdown.


    Personally I think it's a distraction so the government is allowed to do whatever they want and people will LET them in order to "Save us". Nevermind that they are fundamentally restructuring parts of the government in the process. Whether that's a bad thing time will tell.


    I guess it really comes down to do you trust the government? My answer is NO, and only until they are caught red handed do they do the "Right Thing".

  2. I agree groupies (At least up hear in NY) are pretty much a thing of the past, there's always a few fat chicks but the "Once bitten twice shy" video girls are long gone. They're all in clubs now with the homiez.

    My one indicator of groupie girls always seemed to be a camera, and these girls were NOT with the band. They took snapshots like there were for freakin Metal Magazine! They all know each other, and they are at EVERY local show regardless what band it is. That's at least what I remember in the early 90's before the "scene" totally tanked. Since then it (The orignal scene) never really recovered. However, now married with kids, I don't go out NEARLY as much as I used to. Every time I'm out though, it doesn't seem nearly as cool as it used to be, or perhaps it's just skewed by grand memories of youth? Who knows.

    What's odd, is once shunned, cover bands are making a FIERCE comeback up here!

    Once I get tired of my bedroom wanking, maybe I'll get in a band again. I haven't gigged regularly in like 3 years and do miss it.

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