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Jake Cowan

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Posts posted by Jake Cowan

  1. I removed the board and cleaned it. There was a little tiny bit of corrosion in the area of the Rude Solo Light, which I did my best to clean off with alcohol and cotton swabs. Someone must have spilled something - but not much - it was very localized. Anyway, I cleaned it all up, reseated the connectors, and put it back together. Problem not solved, but at least I know. The board works fine, except you can't set unity level. I guess I will just use the -20 and the clipping lights on each channel as a rough indicator. Oh well, the board does 99% of what I need it for, it came with a sweet road case, and I traded it for gear I hadn't used in more than 10 years. I guess you can't win them all. Thanks for the help and advice.

  2. Thanks for the advice. I've tried going through all the buttons and knobs a few times and nothing worked, it still flashes. I talked to the guy I traded off of and he said he had the same problem. The solo does work, but the light never stops flashing and the meter lights never move. I'm going to try Craig's suggestion and then I'll post the results. I'm still curious if anyone has successfully dealt with this exact problem.

  3. Hey, I know this is a long dead thread, but I just traded for a Mackie cr 1604 vlz. It works great except I'm having the same problem. The "Rude Solo Light" flashed constantly. It seems to get a bit brighter when I solo a channel. Also, I can't get the LED bar to light up to set the trim level on the channels. I think this is because the board thinks something else is going on when I go in solo mode. All buttons on the board are switched off so I am just confused. I'm hoping that the original poster on this thread will be able to tell me what came of the problem, or someone else can give me some ideas. The manual is good, but doesn't seem to have anything on this problem, and Google hasn't turned up much other that this thread. Thanks in advance.

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