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Fred Fartboski

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Posts posted by Fred Fartboski

  1. I picked up a floor model/demo AT-212 Combo at GC last 4th of July for $250. I knew nothing about the amp and bought it on impulse as the price was so low. I didn't even bother to check out the amp till I got it home. At home I found it was rather shopworn and there was a very loud hum in the clean channel. I e-mailed the factory about the hum and they offered to send replacement tubes, or if I wanted, to exchange the amp at the factory for a brand new one out of the box. I opted for the latter as the tolex was very scuffed up. Also, the factory is only like 30 minutes from my home. So I drove down and they exchanged the amp with no further questions.


    So anyway now I have a brand new, $750.00 100 watt 2x12 tube amp for $250.


    You mentioned "jangle". This amp chimes on the clean channel and my Rick 360 sounds fantastic through it, as do my Gretsch 6118, Fenders and Gibsons. It really brings out the character of the individual guitars. The tone is fantastic at low volume. I prefer the clean channel and can't go past 1 or 2 on the Master and Gain in my apartment. I'm not playing out at the moment so I haven't had the chance to really crank it.


    There is still a slight hum in the clean channel but I've been told this can be remedied by replacing the stock pre-amp tubes with JJ's.


    Can't comment on the overdrive channels as I'm not into that sound and rarely use them.


    Here a B-52 forum where you can ask more questions:


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