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Posts posted by papaschtroumpf



    Dude, that paint job is awesomesauce! Great job! :philthumb: I'd love to hear the details about how you did it. :snax:




    Nothing too innovative about how I did it: all rattle cans from a local hardware store because that was the cheapest way to get the palette of colors I wanted.


    The idea is to keep using masking tape to defines the areas and overlay colors. e.g. paint the area Yellow, then use masking tape to make the stripes, then paint Orange on top of it. Or paint an area Bark Blue, put circle stickers (the kind they sell to mark prices at garage sales) and go over the area with the Baby Blue...


    The hardest part was the black, for the curves I covered with masking tape, then use a blade to cut off the parts I wanted black.


    That creates lots of uneven layers depending on how many coats a particular spot got, so after very light sanding, I had to do a lot of clear coats (also rattle can) and after curing a few months, more sanding, polishing, etc... till I got a "car-like" finish.


    Here's a pic right before applying the Orange layer, see how the masking tape was cut for the flower shape on the headstock, whereas stripes were easy.







    In order to get an idea of what I was going to do and what it looked like, I made a mockup in photoshop (well, the Gimp):




    Some of the curves are not as good as I wanted, but it adds to the "artsy" feel. This was my first refinishing project, and I was really a little too ambitious for a first time. Observant readers will notice I gave up on the red hearts as I was worried about too many layers, and the horns are less adorned than the original plan. I also did buy colored pickup guards but decided it looked better in black.


    Next time I'll go with a simple seafoam green, or maybe a metallic read. Nah, I'm thinking Steampunk for my next project. Looking for a dirt cheap tele on CL right now so I can add in cogs, tubes, wires and leather.


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