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Posts posted by buddhapaugh

  1. I actually looked at this twice, thought "Why didn't he mention Robbie McIntosh or, or that keyboard guy?" It took me quite a while to remember that they are black and supposed to be offended by this stuff according to some people.

    Sensationalist reporting is the real problem here.

    Maybe. Maybe not. Hard to tell what his friends or bandmates think of it. I am sure they are used to it and just enjoy the gravy train while it's running. I have played with assholes before and tolerate their BS for the sake of the Bigger Picture.

    I do wonder if Mayer thinks he is so cool and so clever and so subtle that he can say anything he wants in his quirky way and everyone will applaud him for it. Isn't that the danger of having people laud you all the time? Your head gets so damn big that you lose the perspective of the common person and presume to believe that it doesn't apply to you.... because you are .... after all.... John Mayer.

  2. His pop and blues are not my cup of tea, but there's no arguing he has talent. As for his persona, it seems to me like he knows
    what he's doing. Hard to argue with his success.

    That's sort of my point. He is too calculating for my taste. Too much head and not enough heart. I just don't feel it. I have never felt it. Something has always smelt "off" about him since his first songs hit the airwaves. Eric Clapton has been quoted as saying about Mayer: "I tried to point out the importance to him of music being truth.... I think he becomes too caught up in being clever."

  3. Meh I love John Mayer's music and his guitar playing. It's phenomenal. I find it funny how you talk about him "ripping off" other artists like SRV, for instance. Everyone musician learns {censored} from other musicians, where the hell do you think music comes from? When YOU invent a new type of music that doesn't sound like {censored}, get back to me and I'll be glad to hear it.

    I also didn't realize that a musician's job was to keep out of the public eye and not do interviews, but just to release studio albums and play concerts where he doesn't interact with the audience. You have to admit the guy is pretty funny, and if you are taking the things he says seriously, then I think you're either a dumbass or have too much sand in your vagina.

    I will say that John Mayer is funnier than you are. And how did you know I was a woman?

  4. I would consider the constant need to be in the center of a rapt public audience a disorder.


    There are other entertainers who do not exhibit this need. John Mayer clearly does. I bet he's thinking right now about something funny, quirky, odd, or peculiar to twit about.


    I'd also be willing to bet he will "see the light" at some point (perhaps when he falls madly in love with a woman and she ask that he examine his compulsion to be so public about everything), and take a vow of relative silence compared to his current state of sharing every damn thought that crosses his mind.

  5. I can play guitar, write songs, twitter incessantly, be self-deprecating in a calculating way, and score sex with hot actresses and singers..... therefore... I must be admirable.


    I can't believe how many of you stand-up for a guy like John Mayer. Each one of you is why guys get a bad reputation. Precisely because you empower and encourage this kind of BS in other men.


    What happened to chivalry, courage, letting your art speak for itself, humility, grace, compassion, wisdom.


    I see none of these in evidence by John Mayer on a regular basis---unless it serves to get him his preferred drug of choice, attention.


    He is not someone to be admired, thought highly of, or applauded. Most of his songs are rip-offs, are completely calculated. He says as much in his interviews. There is nothing unassuming and natural about him. He is not the blues. He's someone who can't get out of his own {censored}ing way to save his life and time will reveal this.


    And just because he is popular now don't mean {censored} in the long-term.

  6. Thinking about everything you want to say as a way to get more attention, not being able to maintain a relationship because you are self-absorbed, being so calculated in everything you do because you assume people are "into you" are not qualities to be admired, thought highly of, or applauded. That is, unless you are a fellow tool. Then I suppose these attributes would be evidence of success.

  7. If you like John Mayer I question your likability as a person.

    This my new litmus test for all current and potential friends and lovers: Do you like John Mayer or do you think he is too earnest and contrived (read egotistical)?

    If the answer is "Yes, I like John Mayer," I will not renew your membership as a friend.

    If your answer is "No way, John Mayer is a tool who is like the dorky kid who tries too {censored}ing hard to be cool," then... let's be friends.

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