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Posts posted by cosmic.synth

  1. Are you worried about your job? Yes, I just received notice my company is laying me off. Now I have to go through the resume sending and interviewing process all over again. Very very stressful.

    Ability to pay rent or mortgage? Yes. Still can but it will be tight.

    Your retirement / 401k? Down by a lot from last year. I don't intend to bank on it until another 30 years.

    Are you putting off purchases? Yes, no new purchases in the last 8 months and am working with what I currently own. I also have a new hobby which is now fishkeeping...it's a lot cheaper and I get relaxation from watching the fishies swim around.

    Is it altering your income directly from music? I never made a dime on selling music aside for a couple of friends' wedding gigs a year.

    Are you worried about a prolonged recession? Yes. This affects us both monetarily as well as psychologically.

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