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Posts posted by DenverDave

  1. What cracks me up is all the soccer Moms who are having a hissy fit over scalper ticket prices. And that people will pay that amount to see a 14 year old plastic pop princess performing corporate board approved bubblegum pop.


    I have kept my kids as far as possible away from the preteen pop crap that 'Radio Disney' pushes 24/7 and tried to steer them towards real music. So far I have been successful. My 11 year old daughter has not been corrupted by Disney yet....

  2. I think, love him or hate him, LaBrie is as intregral to DT sound as Portnoy or Petrucci. I think LaBrie is a good singer, but maybe he tries to do too much with his voice in DT. That can work in a studio, but live it's harder to pull off. James has done some non-DT stuff that shows that he is a very good singer..

    Back to the QR/DT issue - I think Geoff Tate is a better singer and I'd would have loved to see Tate singing for DT - but that ain't gonna happen. I have seen both bands live (not together though) and I enjoyed Tate's singing more than LaBrie's.

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