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Posts posted by CrackerD

  1. No you are -- as I stated I have no issues what so ever with tattoos, however what he was stating is scientific fact about sterotyping. Take some psychology to understand this, now some of his judgemental views thrown in, yeah its bull{censored}, but the entire thing about stereotyping is is correct. We all stereotype in some way or another, whether its gender, race, religion, dress, style, etc. It helps us make sense of a complex world easier.

    I have a degree in psychology big guy.

    Show us these "studies" he mentioned, then show us how that makes it right. You can't and you won't.

    Quit saying "us" and speak for yourself.:thu:

  2. i'd have to wear full finger gloves to "interviews" if i was so compelled to hide anything; but {censored} that. anyone that has a problem with the fact that i'm heavily tattooed can really {censored} right off. though, my client roster that includes some of the biggest companies in the world don't seem to mind.

    suit and tie? {censored} that. i go to client meetings in a tshirt and jeans and chucks. i don't hide a goddamn thing. someone has a problem with it? {censored} 'em. i don't need 'em anyway. company policy? company policy can {censored} right off. you want my services? then you deal with ME.

    and really, i LOVE when people stereotype me. {censored}'s so rad because it's so funny. go ahead and talk {censored}; i'm the one billing more in a month than you make all year.

    all these lame mother{censored}ers playing by someone else's rules. must suck to be so scared by the machine.

    keep {censored}in that chicken.


    OMG My Ultimate Post came today.:thu:

  3. Everybody judges people by their appearance. Everybody.

    You can be the nicest guy in the world, and look like a dork, and everyone will assume you're a dork until you prove otherwise. Why people would
    want to go out of their way
    to get people to assume they're a dork is beyond me.

    Yet studies have mostly shown that people into outrageous clothing, tattoos or body piercings generally have self esteem issues and would rather you judge them by their perceived disagreeable appearance, then by meeting them and simply not liking them. "You don't like me because you feel threatened by my tattoos!" Yeah, right.

    Of course there are some people who just like them, but I'm sure that's a pretty low percentage. If you ask 100 kids in high school about some guy with a sleeve, they'd probably go "Bad ass, tough guy!" Then ask 100 working adults and they'll go "the guy who works at the car wash until he's 65."

    The fact everybody seems to hide their tattoos when going for a job interview or to meet the new girlfriends parents tells you even they know it was a bad idea and they know they're going to be judged harshly by it.



    What a dumbass.

  4. I can play guitar, write songs, twitter incessantly, be self-deprecating in a calculating way, and score sex with hot actresses and singers..... therefore... I must be admirable.

    I can't believe how many of you stand-up for a guy like John Mayer. Each one of you is why guys get a bad reputation. Precisely because you empower and encourage this kind of BS in other men.

    What happened to chivalry, courage, letting your art speak for itself, humility, grace, compassion, wisdom.

    I see none of these in evidence by John Mayer on a regular basis---unless it serves to get him his preferred drug of choice, attention.

    He is not someone to be admired, thought highly of, or applauded. Most of his songs are rip-offs, are completely calculated. He says as much in his interviews. There is nothing unassuming and natural about him. He is not the blues. He's someone who can't get out of his own {censored}ing way to save his life and time will reveal this.

    And just because he is popular now don't mean {censored} in the long-term.

    You act like we want to suck his dick and do his laundry or something.


  5. Yep. They were like a 100 G when they came out. Probably came down a bit, but I doupt 10 G.


    It's a bit disappointing to drop 250 on a plek job, then have the tech tell you "I'll do your fret ends for 50 bucks extra"!!:mad:




    However, it DOES work. If you like superslick action. If you like medium to high action, I would think a good setup would work fine. Plekking is one of those things you want to do a blindfold test on guitarists. Seeing as how everyone seems to be able to tell long neck tenons in Les Pauls by ear (on the net of course), I'd be curious how many could tell a good fret job from a Plek job!



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