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Posts posted by fastblueheeler

  1. I don't know what it is, but I can be really obdurate (as many of you know).

    I had been hearing people go on and on about Richard Thompson for years. I had listened to a bit of it, too, but it never really did anything for me.

    Finally saw him in concert maybe 6 months or so ago.

    I don't get it.

    Don't misunderstand. I'm not saying he's not everything his fans say he is, but I left scratching my head wondering what all the fuss is about. That show just left me cold, and I really wanted to like him.

    I hope nobody thinks I'm bashing the guy, because that's not it at all. Just wondering what I am missing that I can't appreciate somebody who is by all accounts one of the great talents of out time.

    I think "52 Vincent" is one of the greatest recordings of all time and based on that I've really tried to like him. So far it hasn't worked.

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