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rydia is hot

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Posts posted by rydia is hot

  1. Sam Ash has $40 off of a $299 purchase. Code: IRENE

    Okay, with that out of the way, are Sam Ash's marketing people retarded? Seriously, a promo based on a potentially huge and life threatening natural disaster?

    Next they word the promo like this: "$40 off thousands of our best selling items over $299." Okay, I get what they are saying, but that wording is ignorant. It makes it sound like you have to buy thousands of items (and they have to be best selling) priced at $299 to save $40. So spend $299,000 and get $40 off.

    Next, their slogan is "Music Gear at the Speed of Sound." Mission statements, tag lines, etc. are fine, but they need to be somewhat realistic and based on truth. What does that even mean? If they can't get an order to your door at approximately 340 miles per second, then they are not living up to their promise. Or do all of their individual music items have the ability to move at the rate of sound? i.e. do their guitars have built in jet engines?

    I own a business and try hard to carefully word things in ad copy and so forth. It's like they have a bunch of drunk monkeys in their marketing department.


    I agree that Sam Ash's decision to use that promo code was completely tactless.


    However, the wording of the promo description is fine. It's not the best, but it's definitely not "ignorant."



    Here's something for the students: Amazon has a promotion that gets you 6 months of free two-day shipping:


  2. jazzmaster.jpg



    Feeling out possibly trading my 62 AVRI Jazzmaster. Olympic white, original case, Mastery Bridge installed (an absolutely amazing piece of hardware), but the original bridge and cover are included.


    As you can see in the photo, it comes with all of the hang tags and swag that comes with a new Jazzy. Strap, manual, etc. Only thing missing is the trem arm (I might be able to find it, but not sure so far), but those aren't too hard to find. It is in EXCELLENT condition. I don't say mint because it's not brand new, but it's very close. Currently strung up with .12s, and between that and the Mastery Bridge, you'll never have any problems at all. Not interested in selling the Mastery by itself.




    Looking for:

    Guild Starfire IV

    Gibson ES-339

    Gibson ES-333

    G&L ASAT - Special or Bluesboy

    Fender Thin Skin Tele

    Marshall 2203 JCM 800 (RI or original, but no channel switchers or 50 watters)

    Vox AC30 (UK made only!)

    Dr Z Z-Best 2x12

    Dr Z 2x12 combo (pretty much any model)

    Bad Cat Black Cat 2x12 Combo

    Hiwatt or Reeves

    Orange OR120 or OD120 (No AD series or Rockerverbs)

    Diamond Memory Lane 2

    Pedaltrain 2 with HC


    +/- cash where needed. Not really interested in anything else. May sell outright, but not sure yet.


    Thanks for looking! PM is the best way to get in touch.

  3. jazzmaster.jpg



    Feeling out possibly trading my 62 AVRI Jazzmaster. Olympic white, original case, Mastery Bridge installed (an absolutely amazing piece of hardware), but the original bridge and cover are included.


    As you can see in the photo, it comes with all of the hang tags and swag that comes with a new Jazzy. Strap, manual, etc. Only thing missing is the trem arm (I might be able to find it, but not sure so far), but those aren't too hard to find. It is in EXCELLENT condition. I don't say mint because it's not brand new, but it's very close. Currently strung up with .12s, and between that and the Mastery Bridge, you'll never have any problems at all. Not interested in selling the Mastery by itself.




    Looking for:

    Guild Starfire IV

    Gibson ES-339

    Gibson ES-333

    G&L ASAT - Special or Bluesboy

    Fender Thin Skin Tele

    Marshall 2203 JCM 800 (RI or original, but no channel switchers or 50 watters)

    Vox AC30 (UK made only!)

    Dr Z Z-Best 2x12

    Dr Z 2x12 combo (pretty much any model)

    Bad Cat Black Cat 2x12 Combo

    Hiwatt or Reeves

    Orange OR120 or OD120 (No AD series or Rockerverbs)

    Diamond Memory Lane 2

    Pedaltrain 2 with HC


    +/- cash where needed. Not really interested in anything else. May sell outright, but not sure yet.


    Thanks for looking! PM is the best way to get in touch.

  4. All prices are shipped/paypal'd in the CONUS!


    * Timmy that's in great shape. Original box, has velcro. $184 PENDING

    * SIB Mr. Vibromatic in good shape. No box or papers. $79

    * Diamond comp in good shape (has a few small marks), box, manual and velcro. Best comp ever! $154 PENDING

    * BJFE Model H that is damn near mint. Box, no velcro. $560

    * EHX Micro Pog. Good shape. Box and manual, velcro. $150


    Looking for:

    * Skreddy Echo

    * Diamond Memory Lane (1 or 2)

    * EHX HOG

    * EHX DMM

    * Crowther Hotcake

    * Fuzz Factory

    * Maybe a Boss DD3?

    * Klon (maybe)


    +/- cash where needed. Not interested in anything that's not listed, sorry.

    PM with any questions. Thanks!

  5. For sale: Buzzstop, never used. $27 shipped and paypal'd.




    I have:

    * Paul Cochrane Timmy

    * Menatone King of the Britains (KOTB). 7 knob, but the painted version (not decal)

    * Menatone Top Boost in a Can (TBIAC). 8 knob, also painted version

    * Lightfoot Labs Goatkeeper v2

    * EHX Micro Pog

    * SIB Vibromatic


    All pedals include box and velcro. The drives and Goatkeeper are in excellent+ condition and include box/manual. The Micro Pog shows a bit of wear but also includes box/manual. The vibromatic is in 7.5/10 condition. Does not include any box or papers, but works 100%.


    Looking for:

    * High quality 2x12 cab (Orange, Port City, Dr Z, Bogner, etc)

    * Toneczar Dove

    * Toneczar Openhaus

    * Diamond Memory Lane (1 or 2)

    * BJFE Model H

    * Skreddy Screwdriver (Normal or Deluxe)

    * Eventide Pitchfactor

    * Empress Superdelay

    * Klon

    * Digitech RV-7 Reverb

    * Freakshow Brown Rabbit

    * Keeley Rat


    Not interested in any fuzz at the moment, tubescreamers, or low end cabs. Deals can be +/- a bit of cash where needed. Please no lowball trades! Thanks!

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