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Posts posted by Rique

  1. Originally posted by amplayer

    OTOH, back in the Bush vs. Kerry race, Dave Matthews was a big supporter of Kerry. Dave Matthews also had a big environmentalist bent to his stance. However, when his bus driver dumped sewage into the Chicago River and onto boat passengers, nobody even seemed to notice. How many of you reading this knew about it? Funny huh? Here's a link:



    You could blame that on Dave Matthew if Dave Matthew himself dumped that sewage.


    But, the bus driver is his own person and I

  2. Originally posted by Billster

    I'll say it again - free speech is protected by the government. Megalomaniac corporations may act badly, but they do so at the risk of a civil rights lawsuit.

    If the alleged "victims" here (who by the way have a number one album and leveraged themselves onto the cover of
    Rolling Stone
    as a result of this nonsense) were really being squished, they could pursue legal action.

    Just because many people might agree with the opinion being "blacklisted" by a radio conglomerate, doesn't mean the station owners can't disagree and take action to express that opposition.



    If your music doesn

  3. Originally posted by Brittanylips

    Calling for a boycott of the Dixie chicks whether we like it or not (and neither of us do) is nonethless an exercise of free speech - every bit as much as the chix dissing the Prez is an excercise of their free speech. The principal is that both sides are entitled to the same freedom.



    Free speech is not equal for both sides though, and Blacklisting is different than boycotting.


    The Dixie Chicks made some anti Bush comments in London not in song form mind you.


    And, all their MUSIC was subsequently blacklisted from country radio.


    If the radio stations put a disclaimer on saying that the artist views do not represent the views of the radio station and continued to play their music, then you could say that

    Free speech is equal for both sides, but there was not even a particular song to boycott.


    Go ahead and boycott their music if you want but Blacklisting them from

    radio stations is a clear attempt to deny all people of their Free speech.

  4. Originally posted by MrKnobs

    It's really so simple, but they just don't get it

    In the last election, they had it sewed up if they just picked the right candidate. NY and CA were givens, they needed IL, FL, OH. They could have picked Gen. Clark, for instance, who was palatable to the South and MidWest, but instead they went with the Massachussetts liberal Kerry.

    And still, it took rigged voting machines in Ohio for Bush to win!

    Terry D.

    Clark still believes we have to stay in Iraq though. I think a civil war there isn

  5. Originally posted by Angelo Clematide

    Excuse me for this simple question, i live in a complete other political systen, and politicans here are hardly ever subject in art.

    - Is there actually a US artist who supports Mr. Bush, or is it just en vogue to be against any president no matter what he does?

    - How was that with Regean back then, who sent troups to university camps and people got killed?


    Criticizing your Country in Country Western music is the kiss of death, it just isn't
    done. That's why it's called COUNTRY MUSIC.

    How pro-war songs help sell Country:


    Yet where Maine

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