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Death by Hamste

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Posts posted by Death by Hamste

  1. The M-Audio Firewire Solo, a good buy?
    So, I am hoping to do some recording into my laptop, for demo quality recordings (Eg, listenable, decent quality recordings, but not yet professional quality). At the moment, its just me, so i'll only be recording one track at a time (However, I might record the guitar twice, at the same time, it's acoustic, with a pickup. So, one through the Pickup, the other through Microphone). I'm planning to record My guitar, Keyboard and eventually Vocals, and i'm planning to record into Ableton Live. MIDI isn't an issue. Does anybody have any opinions about the Firewire Solo?

    I've heard bad things about the Firewire 1814 and 410. Eg, really unreliable. Is this the same as the Solo, or can I trust i'm buying a decent, reliable product? Is there anything better in the price range?

    Also, i'm just wondering about the specifications.. There seem to be 5 inputs, the Mic, guitar, two 1/4 inputs and one S/PDIF input. Which of these are in sterio? I imagine the guitar, and maybe mic are in mono, but what about the two 1/4 inputs? Are they sterio, or one's left speaker, the others right?


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