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Baron of Rock

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Posts posted by Baron of Rock

  1. It may be the case that I played a "dud", I have only played one, and it was compared with my epi quilt top with burstbuckers in it

    This could be the case - your quilt top sounds pretty killer and may well be a better example of the quality of a standard Epi. Mine is also one of the first 150 Epi Elite's (before they were forced to change to Elitist) and could be a best case example of the Elite line.

    On a side note - I have fond memories of the Norfolk area. Judas Priest and Iron Maiden in the HR Coliiseum .......

  2. I have one. Do you? I also have 2 Gibsons to make a fairly decent comparison. Mine is every bit as good as my Gibsons. (And I LOVE my Gibson's!) 2 people I hang with occasionally have Elitists. They too are step above the MIK or MIC Epi's that I have played. Granted, I have not played all the Elitists nor all the "run of the mill Epi's". In my own personal test I have found them to be superior to standard Epi's. I'm not trying to stir anything up - just relaying my experience. You must have found a "dud" elitist. Hopefully you'll find a better example to A-B.

  3. They don't suck, but they aren't gibsons either. Like more and more MIC and MIK guitars these days, they are built with more care, but in most cases, the hardware and electronics (as well as wood) will likely be inferior to what you'd find on a gibson.

    This would also be incorrect. Elite's or the renamed Elitist's are in fact made in JAPAN. Not China or Korea. Please get yer so called fact's straight BEFORE making a post.

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