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Posts posted by jabps

  1. spent over 2 hrs with it at fairly loud volumes...extremely nice amp. Worth $4 grand...well that's all subjective isn't it.

    To me it wasn't but to many it is. I personally feel that my QR can hang with it any day at half the price but again, it's all subjective.

    I've owned everything from VHT's and Soldano's to Laney's and Peaveys...price isn't really an issue for me anymore. Take Peavey for example...years ago, I could never get over the fact of the negative Peavey image...but I couldn't deny my ears in that the 5150 was a killer amp. Once I busted that demon, price, hype, peer pressure nor brand plays into my equation anymore...tone does. One other thing...build quality. Sure it's great knowing that you've got an amp that's overbuilt with mil spec parts but I'm more concerned about dependability. Often, both go hand in hand but I'll reference the 5150 again, 10 years worth of playing one and not one problem. Again, tone is my measuring stick.

    Honestly, $4 grand is a helluva alot of money to shell out for an amp but you can bet your last dollar that if the Herbert had me gassing, I'd own one.

    I've still got to spend some more time with the Einstein...the first go around I had with that amp I was completely unimpressed but in fairness, it might have been me that day. I've had that happen before with stuff...only to try something again later and go what the hell was I thinking.

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