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Posts posted by Sillypeoples

  1. I stayed away for a few months
    because I was busy actually creating some music and playing my guitars
    , but the discussions here have gotten pretty meaningless. Mine included.

    I honestly don't think that there are many people here who care about their playing or their tone. Threads that actually have something interesting about gear get pushed to page two in favor of "Korean guitars are...; Chinese guitars are..; Why would anyone buy ..."

    Yes, I'm a member so I'm part of the problem.

    So what's the solution? Crank up your amp and plug in your guitar and tell us how you got some amazing tone by doing something unexpected or unscripted. Or try routing your guitar into two amps sitting back to back and tell us what happens. Or run your signal through six bixonic expandoras and see what ghosts materialize (I hear that Billy Gibbons' ghost will appear--YES I know he's still alive--allegedly!).

    Rock on, and tell us how you do it. I'll keep posting my {censored}ty music no matter what happens


    The answer lies in the bolded. That said, I come to learn..digging through tens tons of crap to find one little pearl of wisdom. Those pearls have made a difference.


    So I learned after a while, to not engage in every stupid thread, but to engage in those threads that have some hope of going somewhere, some value, something important. It's out there. Just look for it. Be picky.

  2. Just play bass, its the same thing.

    I can bend the hell out of bass strings, but it will impact my lead guitar playing if I put in too many

    hours. I Do allot of recording and may do bass tracks for 4~5 hours.

    next day I come back to do lead parts and my hands are all crampy and my fluidity for playing smooth

    leads just isnt there. The strings feel too flabby and it takes a major effort to focus on the thinner strings.

    I'm cursed because I'll give 100% with any instrument I play. If you want a role model of someone whose

    abused his hands over playing, I'm your guy.


    I think when you have the ear for this...you gotta make a choice...tone or playability. SRV had to compromise as well. Took me some time to understand why he landed on .11s, not my choice, but I get 'why' he ended up there...play Pride and Joy on a Strat and it becomes clear, not to mention his choice of gear.

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