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Posts posted by Megadeth7684

  1. Originally posted by Anderton


    In Sound on Sound magazine, and used with permission.

    And to those who participated in the copyrighted materials thread, I have the data for ya:

    The RIAA has sued over 18,000 people who participated in P2P networks.

    4,500 people have settled for an average of $4,000 per case.

    That's $18,000,000 so far.

    $0.00 from HCAF :thu:

  2. Originally posted by BAZGUITARMAN

    Well hell, what can you do?

    I posted it over in Phil`s thread too. I think that`s what we ought to do. Spam up every thread on the board. Nothing but spam so everything has to get locked out or deleted.


    I can't believe some people think it's just fine and dandy that the mods come in here and just change everything about this place. Sorry, but I care, and so do lost of guys who have been around this place longer than all the mods.

  3. Originally posted by BAZGUITARMAN

    I love the individual spam threads. I don`t use the sticky thread because I`m on dial up and it literally takes hours to go through it. Perhaps all the dial up users should file a class action lawsuit against HC and MF for infringing on their rights to do business via the internet. If I can`t acess the spam in a timely manner then how can I do business with anyone. This sounds like discrimination to me. Isn`t this against HC and MF policies?


    This sucks, but if anyone is interested I have a Digitech X-series flanger pedal for sale. Like new condition for $50.00 + shipping(lower 48 only, please). A great little digital flanger with multiple settings. PM me if interested.


    Eric, you're spamming something in this thread, I love it! :D

  4. Originally posted by tlbonehead

    There has always been a rule against spam threads. We all know that. I've posted them and had them dumped. It was no big deal because,after all,the rule is there. Sometimes,they let them hang around,sometimes they don't. When you joined,you must have had to agree to the rules of the forum,right? And you are here so evidently you agreed to them.

    Debbie Downer

  5. Originally posted by ROTINPAIN

    +5000000000 Its soo impractical. Sitting there for hours. If anything There should be a spam section sorted out like the Gear Review section. You would first look for Type, Then Make, Then Model. But even that would be stupid because sometimes we aren't nessesarily looking for something, then it pops up and we want to grab it.

    Yup, just like I did with a VHT a few days ago. I had no intentions of buying it, but I saw the SPAM thread, the price was fair, and I jumped on it. Would have never noticed it if it were in that sticky SPAM thread.

  6. Originally posted by Markdude

    I've noticed. However, I've always thought Phil was a pretty reasonable guy. He just seems a little more, um...human, than the rest of the mods. I hope he can see the potential in that idea.

    I'd actually prefer having a spam forum instead of scattering it in this board. The only drawback I can see is that people from all the forums would make deals through the single spam board and I know that there's a lot of specific people that have good reputations for their transactions that frequent the Amps board and people might not be comfortable buying from sellers from other forums that they don't know much about.

    However, I do agree that the mods are going a little crazy over all kinds of stuff that have never caused any problems in the time I've browsed here.


    Phil just closed my SPAM thread poll. It was 10-1 in favor of keeping individual SPAM threads.

  7. Originally posted by WillShrdForFood

    Wow, are these {censored}heads just looking for ways to piss the forum off. Spam threads have never been a problem since I've been here and I'm sure have never been a problem in the past. Do you piece-of-{censored} moderaters just sit and ponder on how to {censored} with our daily life on this forum? Every {censored}ing day you pull some new bull{censored} that has NEVER been a problem in the past. God damn O'Queef strikes again, this is rediculous.

    Hey mods, read this, he couldn't be more on the money with everything he said.

  8. Originally posted by Markdude

    A spam forum would obviously keep everything in the same place like a sticky, but it wouldn't be a total bitch to read. And it would be easy to search for specific gear offers, instead of being directed to a multiple page thread and having to go through 3 or 4 pages to find your search string.

    The mods don't care about our ideas or opinions, that's been made VERY obvious the past few weeks. They just do whatever the {censored} they want.

  9. Originally posted by Attila

    I don't know why anyone would complain about individual SPAM threads
    IMHO, there are not that many, and they are easier to see, as opposed to trying to weed through the huge SPAM thread.

    SPAM is one of the cool things on this board --- many good deals to be had from fellow forumites here.


    +1 man, + {censored}ing 1

  10. Originally posted by Phil O'Keefe

    And I'll continue to pull them. And if you continue to do so after repeated warnings, I'll get tired of dealing with it reasonably (since you're apparently not willing to play within the rules and be reasonable yourself) and take further action. Your call bud.

    You have to be kidding me dude. Why the {censored} are you guys ruining this place?

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