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Posts posted by JacieFB

  1. I'm amazed at how unaware of the actual definition of "groupie" people are these days...

    A couple of years ago, I was sitting at dinner with a group of friends:

    My wife

    My wife's friend(50-ish)

    My wife's friend's boyfriend(50+)

    My wife's friend's daughter (23-ish)

    Her daughter (maybe 4?)

    Daughter's friend (23-ish)

    (Not sure if it's relevant, but I'm late-20's and my wife early 30's. Just wanted to give the interesting age spread at the table.)

    Eventually, the subject of my band came up. The 23-year-olds became quickly enamoured...especially the friend. After telling them where we play and what kind of music it is, the conversation eventually goes to...

    "ooooo...that sounds soooo cool...can we be your groupies?"

    Me: *fighting spraying my beverage all over the place*

    "umm...sure?" confused.gifbiggrin.gif

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