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Posts posted by sleewell

  1. play as many as you can, i love mine. they are best with either a speaker swap or through an ext cab, and they are great with pedals. the onboard reverb is sweet too!

  2. +1 on the substance abuse relationship



    at least 2 used car lots in our area must add a "dont do drugs" slogan to the end of their commercials as mandated per their sentencing

  3. just make sure they have a shower so you can wash the slime off before going home.


    i would hate to work a job that incentavized lying to people. wouldnt you start to feel bad after a while?



    honest used car salesman - does not compute.

  4. amps sound way different when they are not pushing air through a guitar speaker.


    i guess the pros would be lower stage volume and being able to listen better to what is going on better but if your guitar sounds like crap i dunno if that is worth it. i dont have enough money for a snax but when i tried to go direct from my rp1000 to the pa it sounded really bad. guitar speakers are much different than pa speakers.


    i guess at the end of the day no one likes going to a bar and just have that obnoxiously loud annoying band. but there is a middle ground. small combos dont have to be annoyingly loud. its all about knowing your venue and crowd. certain places you can get away with melting faces and some places you need to be more of the background music.


    playing music in front of people > sitting on the couch

  5. my 4x12 is not an amp, so im cool with that. i'm fine with having my amp off stage - prolly would just need a longer speaker cable but that is doable.







    seriously though, no amps on stage is not very rock and roll but whatever floats your boat. i can see where they are coming from maybe with stage volume, volume wars, etc. but my experience with a modeller through a monitor sounds like garbage. would you still plan use an amp but just have it offstage?

  6. yeah that was the other thing, it was basically just plug and play. 6 dials, 3 of them were for reverb and tremolo so really it was just volume, bass and treble - it was impossible not to be able to get amazing sounds with any guitar just seconds after plugging it in. we also put one of his germanium fuzzes in front with some pretty awesome results.

  7. our bass player still lives at home and buys gear like crazy. he shows up last night with a 1965 or 1966 Vox Cambridge Reverb. holy {censored}ing mother of awesomesauce. i have very limited experience with vox amps but my preconcieved notion of them was way off. this thing was so warm it would have melted frozen butter in a few seconds. it broke up nicely right at the level you would need to play with drums, notes sustained and started feeding back like magic and it just cut through like none other. he was going on and on about the alinico speaker and meanwhile i just kept playing and playing it. it was sweet, i need more old tube amps in my life.


    CSB, huh?



  8. i just swapped out the widerange pickups to bill lawerence L90's in my tele. also i went to some thicker strings


    IT SOUNDS {censored}ING FIERCE!!!!


    tele's flat out do everything, i am just angry i only played strats for so long. its an amesome design and just a true workhorse of a guitar.

    • Thanks 1
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