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The REAL Rocker

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Posts posted by The REAL Rocker

  1. Congratulations! You've won . . .

    - The scorn of your peers.

    - Association with the biggest musical joke of the past 30 years (that's Steven Seagal, in case I'm losing ya).

    - The Award for Biggest Meltdown on HCEG in the past six months.

    You must be so proud.

    -----------------I am proud to accept YOUR surrender:thu:, as well the confiscation of your first-born son in this great loss(perhaps I can find him a position in my manor as a man-servant), and I saute you for having the couarge to accept this SHAME, with jokes and a smile:p.....................The REAL Rocker.

  2. Uh-huh.

    Okay, I'm clearly dealing with someone who's several fries short of a Happy Meal so I'll try and keep this simple . . .

    . . . that leprechaun who sits on your shoulder and tells you to burn things?

    So good luck, and keep your tinfoil hat all nice and crinkly so the big bad aliens can't influence your thoughts. See ya!

    ------------Why Alecto, what happened:confused:? You were marching into battle with your supposed quick wits, and now your giving up??:wave: I expected more from you, kind of how a pitbull(me, of course) expects a poodle(you now know your place in our little mellow drama), to at least put up a struggle during the battle. Very well, Alecto, I accept YOUR surrender, so as Yoda would say,"Embarass your self, not do!":lol: By the way, the Leprechuan's name is Doug. He hangs out here when he's not in Vegas, and with the price of gold recently, he's rather rich. I don't mind him since he always has a dozen or so chicks on his arm, and they love the 3 foot-high guy. The aliens were here the other night watching the Heat play the Thunder, so a good time was had by all. Note to all.....NEVER BET THE ALIENS ON SPORTS!!!:mad: They seem to know the future with everything on this planet.......................The REAL Rocker.

  3. Every now and then we witness somebody go off the deep end here at HCEG. This is one of those times. Poor Steven Seagal

    ----------------Spike.....did the dog come back with:confused:............I mean did he bring back your:facepalm:r.............ah, I hope ya get better, don't worry, the monks live without it too, maybe you can take up knitting or something for a hobby:lol:..................The REAL Rocker. Off to bed............

  4. -------------Spike! Thank Goodness you came by!! This guy has hurt himself and we're waiting for the ambulance and......No, I don't know who he is!:confused: We were racing up the hill when he ran outta gas and........No, that's not my dog! What F'ING difference does it make WHOSE dog it is?? Hey,....wait a minute! Why are you taking his wallet out, Spike?? Huh??? Spike, That's HIS money Spike, and this is called stealin....What do ya mean, it is ONLY If you get caught??? Put that wallet back.....wait, what are you doing with the pliers, Spike?? What do ya mean there GOLD in them thar teeth??:confused:NOOOOOOO Spike, you can't do that, they call that assault....Who going to stop you??? Well, I AM!!!:thu:Ow!! Take that:pYa don't like it when you get hit, do ya:eek:Holy.....What the hell?? Yeah, I said he wasn't MY DOG, but I guess he doesn't like you either!!! Go on boy, SIC 'EM!!!:eek: Uh......Uh....WOW.....Maybe If ya go limp, he'll stop biting you!!:lol:Good boy, you can let him go.....Ah, when I said you could let him go, I didn't mean to bite him somewhere else!!:rolleyes:Ah well, Spike, here comes the ambulance and the cops:cop:Maybe you can explain the wallet, the pliers, the dog and who the guy on the ground is, but I'm getting the heck outta here, before I end up in the joint trying to find my lawyer's number.....................The REAL Rocker.

  5. How
    you manage to type while wearing that straitjacket? Do you use your nose?

    Enjoy that burger; can't you just taste that e coli?

    -------------Hello? H-E-LL-OOOOOOO, Can you hear me down there?? Wow, I think you must have hit your head, because you're having delusions down there on the ground:eek:. I've been gone for twenty minutes, and you are still here?? I should have known something was wrong when you started singing Al Jolson tunes:facepalm:, and even the dog is pawning at your head trying to wake you up:lol:. Well, I called the ambulance and they'll be here soon, so take heart, help is on the way!!! By the way, brought you back a burger,(but you seem to be having a problem breathing), so I'll feed it to the dog and head out.Take care Bro, and try to get some exercise.....................The REAL Rocker.

  6. What hill?

    Oh, you mean the dungheap you're currently sitting on. Okay, carry on then; we won't interfere with your delusions.

    -------------What? What dunghill?:confused: Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't realize you were so exhausted that you are still thinking you had a chance of getting up the hill:rolleyes:. I should have realized this when your tongue started getting tangled in your shoelaces, and that passing dog started licking your face:facepalm:Oh well, I'm going to grab a burger, call me when you manage to get up:thu:....................The REAL Rocker.

  7. Okay,
    I hate the guy!!!

    ---------------Of course you hate him, that's why your a Hater!:lol:John Mayer has tapped the ass of every celebrity and NON-CELEBRITY girl you ever dreamed of:cry:, and Steven Segal beat the crap out of you when you complained about John:thu:Why, it's taking everything I got to hold Yngwie Malmsteen back, because he wants a piece outta you, just because he can!!:eek:(Yngwie, stop swinging that Strat at him, he just an idiot Hater:lol::rolleyes:).It's not a nice day to be a Hater, but then, it NEVER is:cry::rolleyes:.......................The REAL Rocker.

  8. Steve, I want to apologize for thinking I was Above The Law in criticizing your blues. After reading your post, I now feel Under Seige and On Deadly Ground. Now that you're Out For Justice I can only hope I'm not Marked For Death. If I have to I'll head Into The Sun to be Out Of Reach of The Patriot and Mercenary For Justice. I realize you're probably Out For A Kill but I'll even brave the Belly Of The Beast to elude your Urban Justice and the threat of being Pistol Whipped or shot. I'm already Half Past Dead and the Exit Wounds would probably put me Out Of Reach of The Glimmer Man since my Ticker is no longer able to fight Against The Dark against A Dangerous Man like you. But, I was Born To Raise Hell so I'll take up my Machete if need be in my Flight Of Fury if you choose to be the Shadow Man of The Keeper of the blues. You'll never throw the Kill Switch on me or utter the words "Today You Die" as long as you wield a guitar in vain!

    -----------------Wow, Segal isn't much to you, yet you take the time to put ALL his films into this^^^^^uh,this ^^^^^uh, whatever this is.:confused:Well, All I can say is to raise that Hater flag:thu:, drink the Haterade:facepalm:, and sing the Hater song,....."If yer NOBODY and you know it, clap your hands:cry:.....If yer nobody and you know it, clap your hands:cry:........If you haven't got a dime, but HATE anyone doing FINE:eek:,.....If yer NOBODY and yer know it CLAP YOUR HANDS:lol:...Keep Hating, Haters!!......................The REAL Rocker.

  9. Sorry to hurt your feelings, Steve. I didn't realize you were a forumite...

    -----------Not Segal, although If I had his money, I could live in my mansion and ride in my limo while ignoring the Haters like you begging for a dime at my windshield:thu:, all while strumming Albert King's Flying V and looking at the several dozen prime vintage guitars in my car:lol:. It must be nice having all you want while the jealous bedroom rockers rail against you in their faceless manner on websites:rolleyes::lol:.........................The REAL Rocker.

  10. ---------------I disagree big time. In this era of people trying to sound EXACTLY their favorite blues hero, and certainly have no originality about them:facepalm:, Steven sounds like himself:idea:, and he is NOT a bad singer or guitarist. He is a guy following his own path, and If you don't like him, Fine, but he isn't a horrible player or singer...................The REAL Rocker.

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