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Posts posted by solitaire

  1. Spot on! Having increased the output of acoustic guitars to 300,000 between 1999 and 2004 (that's 60,000 a year, 5,000 a month or 165 aday) I'm sure CFM has no cashflow problem. I'd give that money in charity to those who never even seen a Martin guitar but live only a stone throw away from trees to be used as tonewoods. To Chris that money is a drop in the ocean, to those indogent people that money could mean survival.


    I think I'd buy president G.W. Bush a nuclear device he could fiddle around with on his spare time, as a tribute to his successful liberation of the world [ironic]. Suppose I shouldn't put a label saying "What ever you do: don't push this button"; if I would I'm sure he would push it to see what happens.

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