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Posts posted by preservation

  1. so my trusty DL4 became not so trusty about 3 months ago.
    one of the stomp switches (middle-right) just fell down into the chassis.
    i tried to fix it myself, and that was not smart.

    the pedal works outside of the chassis. i plugged my Godlyke into it and worked with my fingers (the 3pdt switches just hit little black plastic buttons on the board) and it works PERFECTLY. i used it for a day or so w/ my laptop until i worried about it being knocked off a desk. it needs to be put back together or to be rehoused.

    that said,this will be a pretty easy put-together for any of you that are more technically inclined... most of the parts are present but a screw or two and a tiny spring.
    nothing functional is missing at all.

    i'd like to trade for any of the following types of gear:

    =OLD drum machines no matter how simple
    =a modded SD-1 or non-mid-humpy ts9 - any gritty OD w/out a cloudy signal
    =nearly any reverb pedal
    = an ernie ball jr. vol pedal
    = a boss HF-2, HM-2, or any PS-series
    = a decent mic similar in quality to an SM-57 or 58
    = $72 paypal for everything shipped to you

    if you want pictures i'll send them to your e-mail address, i can't get them to upload right now for some reason...:cry:

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