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Posts posted by shredhead666

  1. http://www.inkscape.org/


    If that doesn't open it, the Gimp might.






    *EDIT - more on this....


    What can I do with *.cdr (Corel Draw Vector drawing file) files in Inkscape? I have got my images in *.cdr files and I would like to continue in *.SVG.

    Open CDR file Corel Draw. Save it as CGM file. It will save only vector graphics. It will not save bitmap graphics.

    Open CGM file in OpenOffice Impress. Copy to Open Office Draw and insert original JPG or another bitmap graphics. Save file as ODG And you can continue in Open Office Draw program.)

    Select all (CTRL+A)

    Export as SVG.

    Open SVG file in Inkscape and correct mistakes if they appear.

  2. Originally posted by Stratotone

    Don't look for macmax to reply about this either, as I bruised his mangina repeatedly in this thread.


    HARSH Pete! Max is generally a cool guy. His english isn't always the best, so I cut him some slack. He knows what he's trying to say but sometimes it doesn't always come out right I think. He's always been a cool guy to me and most everyone else on this board.

  3. Originally posted by Highgrade

    From CNN:

    'The most wanted man in Iraq died in a U.S. airstrike Wednesday evening when two 500-pound bombs slammed into a safe house near Baquba, according to U.S. Army Maj. Gen. Bill Caldwell."


    Is it me or does this not make sense? If the airstrike used two 500lb bombs that pulverized the building, how is it this dude doesn't have a scratch???

    You're not seeing the rest of his body... or lack thereof. :eek:

    They also may have cleaned up his face so he'd be more instantly recognized when they showed his mug. It was pretty hard to distinguish Uday and Qusay after we {censored}ed them up.

  4. Originally posted by macmax

    i answered to you via pm, you know i am not bull{censored}ing

    And i don't have it wrong

    And I responded too! But your box is full... clean that sucker out!

  5. Originally posted by PlayboyChris

    Oh wait. Now I get it. Some sort of Abu Gharib or Guantanamo Bay thing. Yeah, that really hits me where I live. Not.

    Pretty strong words coming from a pacifist, JBT.

    He could have been talking about the Japanese Internment (sp?) camps during WW2? :idea:

  6. Originally posted by cloudnine

    Yeah sorry guys, we spent all our possible stealth bomber money on healthcare and education and all that other boring {censored}.

    Damn, I think I'd be asking for a refund then! 'Cause you guys sure got bent-over with that deal! :p

  7. Originally posted by tequila_titan

    You're right. The U.S. stayed in Germany for 10 years after WWII and the reason was to defeat the Nazi insurgency.

    People these days want instant gratification. They want a fairy tale ending where the lead general of the other team surrenders at Appamattox Courthouse and all the bloodshed miraculously ends. In reality, it doesn't happen like that. Idealists will continue to disrupt until we have broken their will to continue. Even then, there will still be pockets of resistance.... the same way there are small sects of "Neo-Nazis" still in Germany. You basically just have to continue to stifle those morons and keep rendering them powerless until future generations have forgotten why they're fighting.

  8. Originally posted by JackBootedThug
    Iraq=Quagmire. We are never getting out of there.

    The same was said about Germany in the 40's. We still have military bases there. 

  9. Originally posted by macmax

    Exxon had not reported a dime in earnings for some years and suddently they reported 5 billion last quarter, and you still think that what u said is true?

    Yes absolutely. You fail to understand how oil figures into the world's macroeconomic system. First off, Exxon doesn't get most of their oil from foreign sources. Secondly, the greater demands from China and India are what's fueling oil's high price points right now.

    "Moreover, the idea that oil companies sell gasoline only through their branded service stations, and therefore if you don't buy gasoline from Shell-branded gas stations you're not sending money to Shell, is wrong. Oil companies sell their output through a variety of outlets other than their branded stations; as well, by the time crude oil gets from the ground into our gasoline tanks, there's no telling exactly where it came from. (A good deal of the crude oil purchased from Russia, for example, is oil from Iraqi fields sold through Russian middlemen.)"


  10. Originally posted by macmax

    Shred , it isn't like that at all


    Apparently you need a bit of a history lesson.


    And during the Cold War w/ Russia, we supported the Taliban because they were in direct conflict w/ Russia as well. Any enemy of our enemy is a friend, you know? Well, after their conflict w/ Russia started slowing they turned their attention on us because we were in support of Israel's expansion along the Gaza strip. Also because we helped Kuwait defend itself against Iraqi invasion... Bin Laden and Al Qaeda viewed that as an attack on Islam because Iraq is a heavily Islamic country.

    Like I said, they were useful idiots who we aided at the time because it was convenient for us - we had bigger fish to fry (the Russians). But then they outlived their usefulness after the Cold War, and came back to bite us on the ass because we left them un-checked. So yeah, absolutely everything I said is accurate.

  11. Originally posted by guitar shmoe

    holy cow! a rant of 'Biblical' proportions!
    This person OBVIOUSLY does not understand the God of the Bible and His message of redemption....

    First of all, define "His message of redemption". Religious people like to throw around these catch phrases they hear in church all the time with little to no understanding of what they're actually talking about. In plain english - exactly WHAT is the "message" you're speaking of?

    Now, after you've answered that question, ask yourself... Why do you think George Carlin doesn't understand this message? He's a well-read, well-educated comedian (who has a somewhat warped view on things), but given his delivery and eloquent flow of his comedy style certainly he has a better grasp on reading comprehension than most. So you assume because he doesn't agree with whatever you define "His Message" to be, that must mean he didn't understand the message in the first place?


  12. Originally posted by rgf

    To Shredhead666: If everything was perfect in this world there would be no FREEWILL! He wants you to love him willingly, not force you to love him. We can either love him back or be "Totally Metal" and call ourselves "(insert name here)666" along with posting George Carlin's rantings about how those of us that believe in Jesus Christ are mindless..


    Man, you just completely missed the point. And my handle is a complete joke, but I guess you haven't really been around here long enough.

  13. Originally posted by 17 Tubes

    Yes, of course. But it's tough making a blanket statement that we "chose" Israel as "our" side. We obviously had some dealings that favored Arabs, motivations neither here nor there.

    I think maybe if the Arab oil establishment would share the bounty of oil resources, provide better education and way of life for all Arab people, things would go much better.

    Well of course we've made some strategic decisions along the way that all our allies may not have been happy with. But that's how things work. Israel is still our ally, and as such I guess we have to try and support them as much as we can.

    As for the Arab oil establishment, this matters very little to the USA seeing as how we get MOST (60+%) of our crude from our own oil fields in the USA. The small bit of oil that we IMPORT mostly comes from Canada and Mexico. Saudi Arabia brings up the rear with a fraction of ONLY THE IMPORTED OIL. So really this whole notion that we're completely reliant on the Middle East for ALL of our oil needs is complete and utter horse{censored}.

    But you're right, it'd be nice if the Arabs would trade more with Israel - it'd certainly make things easier on everyone.

  14. Originally posted by 17 Tubes

    That's odd, since certain sectors keep reminding me we put Saddam and bin Laden into power. Can't have it both ways.

    Hard to "choose" Israel when you're empowering Arab leaders.

    I know I'm dense and someone will rationalize this for me.


    Howabout this... The US had bigger fish to fry at the times we sent aid to Saddam and Bin Laden. The ywere useful idiots, but they outlived their usefulness and we forgot to take 'em back out. So they came back and bit us in the ass. Sort of like Il Duce in the Boondock Saints.

  15. Originally posted by BOOGIE666


    I suppose God is a fairy tale too? I hope see things differently before your time is up.


    Absolutely. And furthermore, George said it best...




    When it comes to bull{censored}, big-time, major league bull{censored}, you have to stand in awe of the all-time champion of false promises and exaggerated claims, religion. No contest. No contest. Religion. Religion easily has the greatest bull{censored} story ever told. Think about it. Religion has actually convinced people that there's an invisible man living in the sky who watches everything you do, every minute of every day. And the invisible man has a special list of ten things he does not want you to do. And if you do any of these ten things, he has a special place, full of fire and smoke and burning and torture and anguish, where he will send you to live and suffer and burn and choke and scream and cry forever and ever 'til the end of time!


    But He loves you. He loves you, and He needs money! He always needs money! He's all-powerful, all-perfect, all-knowing, and all-wise, somehow just can't handle money! Religion takes in billions of dollars, they pay no taxes, and they always need a little more. Now, you talk about a good bull{censored} story. Holy {censored}!


    But I want you to know something, this is sincere, I want you to know, when it comes to believing in God, I really tried. I really, really tried. I tried to believe that there is a God, who created each of us in His own image and likeness, loves us very much, and keeps a close eye on things. I really tried to believe that, but I gotta tell you, the longer you live, the more you look around, the more you realize, something is {censored}ed up.


    Something is wrong here. War, disease, death, destruction, hunger, filth, poverty, torture, crime, corruption, and the Ice Capades. Something is definitely wrong. This is not good work. If this is the best God can do, I am not impressed. Results like these do not belong on the r

  16. Originally posted by BOOGIE666

    Oh did I mention that I am happy because satan is ass {censored}ing him so hard that he wishes that he was in a new york state pound me in the ass prison?


    There's no such thing as Satan, just as there's no such thing as the tooth fairy and there's no such thing as Santa Claus.

  17. Originally posted by macmax

    I come from a place where we have different points of view and i stand by what i say.


    You kiddin' me? Skid's from Massachussetts. 

  18. Someone will quickly step up and take his place. And we'll have to keep killing each one as they pop up.


    You know, I love the USA and all, but it seems everytime we declare "war" on an idea, we always lose. The "war on drugs" the "war on poverty" the "war on terror"... just look at our track record! It never ends! You can't simply demolish an ideal on the supply side, you have to cut off the demand side.

  19. Originally posted by blargh
    Man, Angelo is setting a terrible example for kids, his stuff just ain't good guitar playing.
    The kid's got some chops for 15 though, all he needs is taste.

    It was a Michael Angelo song for {censored}'s sake. It's not meant to exhibit any sort of "taste". You want taste, play Gilmour. You want technique, play Angelo.

    God's sake, just enjoy it for what it is

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