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Doug's Tubes

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Posts posted by Doug's Tubes

  1. Originally posted by favata5

    Could someone please explain to me why legislation couldnt get passed to ban flag burning but its ok in some states for Homosexuals to be married and in most schools children cant say God?? What the hell has happened?? Makes me wish I could turn the clocks back to the ol fashioned times..you know when God mattered,and men worked while the women stayed home and took care of the domestic jazz,and children had a monny and a daddy! Today its just getting twisted it used to be Adam and Eve in the Bible,,whats next Adam and Steve????

    Not having the personal fortitude to slog through this entire thread in case someone has already had the same point of view, I'll comment on this. It's not just any legislation, they were looking to amend the constitution. So while it may be legal for homosexuals to marry in some states, dont look for a constitutional amendment any time ever for that to happen. They will leave it up to the states. And while they were at it, why single out flag burning? There are many ways to desecrate the flag, if they were going to pass any meaningful legislation(good luck), then they should work on a complete bill and include them all. The same thing happened when the various asshole state and local politicians jumped on the cellphone ban, as if thats the only thing that can distract a driver. Tell that to the truck driver that plowed into the back of my 1983 Volvo and then came to my window to see if I was alright covered with his cream cheese and jelly sandwhich proclaiming that noone was at fault!

    Face it, politicians on both sides of the fence are proving themselves more useless every day.

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