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Posts posted by fakeplasticshrub

  1. Hey man, thanks a lot for taking the time to help me out. The snare is slightly to the left. I wanted it that way to achieve at least a little bit of spread since the guitar and bass is mainly centered. The right-sidedness of the guitar is a result of slightly different EQing the one live take track. So it might be psycho-acoustically. I reworked the kick and snare eversince I posted the link. I ended up finding a trick for the snare to sound how I wanted it and also improved on the kick. I sent the EQ to an aux channel, down pitched it and put a fully wet reverb on it. Blended in, it added that down-tuned, almost woordrim sound I aimed for.

    Here's the link to the current, almost final version of it, this time even with vocals

    Thanks again!


    noooo worries. It sounds really good, a very mono sparse feel, which works with the music, the new mix is great. Perhaps, as t_e_l_e says, the guitar could come down a touch, which might even allow the snare to come up a little, but that's all personal preference, main thing it sounds really good, like a man howling in a gale in the dead of night. I think. An Isis vibe with a twisted rock edge 3/4s through especially. Do you have a facebook page as a band?


    my turn, whole band demo of Death Ape Disco's title track (the *pop song*), with a free download no less, and I'm interested to know how people find it, as a song, a mix, everything




    If you like it please leave a comment or download or share, it looks all threadbare there! If you hate it, even better.

  2. Hey guys,

    here is a mix of a rather heavy rock track. Vocals will be recorded by tomorrow but I put some work in this mix already. The song was recorded fully mic'd in a live take. Guitars and bass are okay for my taste but the kick and snare could still use some punch. Any tipps appreciated.




    *a rather heavy rock track* these are the five words that will get me to listen to a song :) Well the guitar is right up the middle or a little to the right? and the snare appears to be on the left headphone a bit, maybe as a result of the positioning of the guitar to the right. I mean, it might be my headphones. Is this what you're going for? The guitar and bass merge really nicely as sounds, but it is weird to me to have all that come up the middle. I like the crack of the snare and the way it makes its way to the edge of the headphones. I like my snares in the middle, for which it's possible the overheads need a different panning, or it may be the other sounds taking away the snare from my right ear.


    Re the kick, often it's a question of putting little holes in the eqs of the bass and kick so they aren't treading on each other's sound too much, the bass definitely dominates out of the two on this one. A little 4k boost or so might bring out some more click, and cutting the bass wherever the kick is coming through on a frequency analyser. The snare could perhaps use a touch more body in the mid-range if you want it firmer, but it sits very nicely sound-wise for me, perhaps it's just not being hit too hard.


    Overall it's a cool song though, moody and mysterious with cool tone, I really like it!

  3. Hi all,


    Could really do with some honest, constructive feedback on this one. A lotta firsts for me on this mix. First time micing and mixing live drums, second mixing live guitars, very little set-up time, first time using new mics, first time using Logic too, didn't know what was good and what wasn't plug-in wise. It's been overwhelming. Any advice or feedback you can give would be great. I know it's brickwalled, I wanted this one like that, it's only a demo, plus it's that kinda song, you know?


    Gear- SM57s, SM58, Audix D6, Atm450s, into Presonus Firestudio into Macbook w/ Logic 9. Fire away I can take it!



  4. @fake plastic shrub

    A late response is better than none right?

    Before I even scrolled down to read your info I was thinking, 'Man, this reminds me of some old-school Kyuss.'

    I friggin' love that band and everything Josh Homme has done subsequently.

    But really, change the font color on your page or update to the new Myspace format, my eyes can't cope with that kind of strain anymore.

    But seriously, I really dig the tunes.

    Recording and Mix- First off, there is some clipping going on somewhere, sounds like it could be happening during tracking or could be in some EQ or elsewhere in the mixing. It's not everywhere / on every insrtument, so find it, watch the peak meters like a hawk and just keep it in mind. Also not neccessarily your fault, the tracks sound a little mp3-ifyed. (I complain about that alot.)

    I know you used the drum machine on these so my advice would be to be more vigilant about maintaining consistency with the volume levels of the individual drums before even laying them down to 'tape'. Then again I would much rather hear real drums anyway. I felt that on some songs the snare got eaten up and others it was sitting nicely in the mix.

    For that matter I really felt the drums were kind of quiet overall. I know drum machine gets a bit tiresome to listen to sometimes, but they were kind-of buried at times.

    The Gtr. riffage is pretty sweet, I really liked it, but they were a little too upfront. Gtr. tone sounded nice.

    Vox also were a bit upfront and need some reverb,delay, something. I know you got that whole Kyuss influence going on and Chris Goss's vox were pretty dry ,most of the time, but wetten them up some, it will help seat them in the mix some more.

    Sometimes the vox got thinner from track to track. Try getting the singer to maintain a consistent distance/position relative to the mic from session to session and save some presets for mixing to try to maintain more consistency.

    Overall, I'd say 1. I like your music, and 2. you've got the basics down and your mix isn't unbearable, definitely room for improvement, but not bad.

    Keep at it, try new stuff, learn from your shortcommings and improve.

    Hope I don't offend you.



    Wow thank you for the response, you're on the money on so many things. The drum machine I'm working on levelling it all out before recording, I think that's the key, although our next recording will be with full band (just put up a new song, our last with the drum machine, wish i'd seen your post first!).

    I've used very little reverb again on the new song, just a touch on a second track of vocals, because I was worried that with all the processing I was doing to get an ok sound, nothing was going to cut. I think I'm going to persevere with blending two vocal tracks from now on so I get clarity from one and a nice sitting point from the other, sound like a plan?

    I agree the drums were back too far and the guitars too far forward on Burn The Red especially, I've got the drum machine further forward this time, cos, you know, it's nothing to be ashamed of.... right?

    Ha no you didn't offend me at all, hugely grateful for a set of discerning ears, I agree on the clipping issue, and have been more vigilante with the master volume automation, and trying to remove before i add frequencies. Now all I need is a full rehearsal studio and a bass that HAS had its strings changed in the past 3 years!! And everything I've learnt will have to be replaced again :)

  5. Hi,

    I recorded a few metal riffs I had come up with already some time ago.

    Initially I wanted to play this at 200 BPM, but my right hand wouldn't let me, so I had to settle for 190BPM. I still think this would sound a lot better at 200BPM, but I will have to work my right hand up to that speed first.....

    I know the drum programming still needs a lot of work (it's way too busy in some spots), and so does the mixing.

    I'd appreciate any feedback on how to improve the mix/sound/or anything else.

    Still a recording noob, so bear with me....

    Here's the link:




    yikes this was posted aaaages ago. turned this into a full song yet? the guitars are BURIED!! don't be afraid to get the guitars out there up front, that's what it's all about, especially if you have a drum machine. really tight playing, double tracked? nice riffage, enjoyed it.

  6. Hi guys,

    some feedback needed/pointers on a new song, Burn The Red City, in my sig.


    1) Do you think the mid-section break, with just a cymbal and riff, should be twice as long, or do you think it's good to have a little break then straight back into chaos?


    2) Have I made the best use of what I have? This was the first time I've used the firepod and cubase to record. This recording was the last one we'll do using POD and drum machine. I played everything and programmed the drums, even though we are a full band and play out, because it's been easier. I tried to place every part in the mix using decibel boosts and cuts, have i done ok on the levels? how could it have been done better?


    Thank you very much if you care to listen and then, more importantly, leave some feedback!!

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