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Posts posted by Goldenvoice

  1. Wow, that would be only $150 for a 30 second jingle...


    I hardly open my guitar case for that, yet alone spend hour upon hour arranging, recording, mixing, etc...


    I was thinking more 6 to 10 times that - or more - am I way off base?


    I will say last year we did 5 Christmas spots - 30 sec each - traded for a $2800.00 mattress set... yes, I sleep well

    Helped that the Vice President of Simmons Mattress comes in to listen to me when he's in town...

  2. I've been approached about doing a jingle - actually it's in the works, for a local large furniture store. I know the family who owns it. They want one 30 sec & one 60 sec spot, with lots of room for voice-over, etc. Will air both local AM, and regional FM.


    How do I determine what to charge them? I'll do the writing, recording, producing, etc. I know I can't charge what the " big dogs" do, but where do I start? What do the pros charge?




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