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Posts posted by MuzikB

  1. In music (as this is a musician forum), I have reduced hardware spending and have been making careful considerations largely based on established acts with my desired realm of influence.


    Example, I notice Junkie XL is an avid user of softsynths in his productions but runs the audio through outboard to obtain a "fuller" sound.


    I also believe that Logic 8 is a sound investment given all it can do but I really don't see anybody using all the facets of its' potential.


    Outside music, I cook more now and bring my lunch to work. I don't go out as much. I've just purchased a coffee maker instead of constantly buying from Starbucks or Maxi Java.


    I got rid of the gas powered lawnmower and purchased an electric mower.

  2. Originally posted by flukewurm

    it works... but one instance of waldorf attack and one instance of simpler and my CPU is already choking.


    I can run 3 instances of Key Rig, 2 KLC instruments (Not Legacy Cell), and Kontakt 2 for drums. I bus the effects.


    Notice I was kind of picky for what would be used on the laptop. (No Mimimonsta, Tau 2, Logic 7 or Garageband.)

  3. Wait until Live 5 but if you can buy Live 4 and get Live 5 for free, then do it It's an awesome application. The Live 5 extra features are worth it.


    It IS the top app for remixing IMO or if you prefer to use a lot of hardware. It's also great for DJing.


    I use Live on a 1 Ghz Powerbook and have no problems. I don't know what the deal is with the other folks here but it works great. I just limit my softsynths to the versatile essentials and midi up the ER1 MkII.


    Check this link for the setup.....





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